Press Release

On 25 October 2018 Minister Richard Bruton signed into effect the Designated Salmonid Waters Bye-Law No. 964, 2018. As the body that consists of the thirteen trout angling clubs around Lough Corrib, in Co. Galway and South Mayo, the Lough Corrib Angling Federation wholeheartedly welcomes this step. Last Easter we met with the then minister Sean Kyne and with local staff of Inland Fisheries Ireland. Minister Kyne indicated then his intent to bring this bye-law forward and we are happy to see that his ground work has borne results.

Of the hundreds of lakes in Ireland the bye-law names seven waters, including Lough Corrib and all its tributaries, as wild salmonid waters requiring special treatment. The bye-law sets out three important measures.

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Annaghdown Angling Club : A History

The Annaghdown Angling Club was founded on Friday the 14 January 1972 in the Annaghdown National School by the kind permission of the Principal of the National School the late Mr. Bert O’Connell.

The following officers were elected

  • President: Rev. Fr. Brendan Kavanagh ,(R.I.P). Annaghdown
  • Chairman: Mr. Michael Kavanagh , (R.I.P). Annaghdown
  • Secretary: Mr Desmond Nolan, Annaghdown.
  • Treasurer: Mr Joe Divilly, (R.I.P.),Muckrush, Annaghdown

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Chairmans Address

As chairman of the Federation of clubs that surround Lough Corrib, I want to welcome you, dear reader, to one of the finest wild brown trout fisheries in the world. Corrib is a big lake, about 30 km north to south and 10Km east to west in the upper lake. The area is estimated at 176 square km. There are many features that make it such a good fishery. It is cool, which suits the trout. It is shallow, which helps support more life and keeps the trout nearer to where anglers operate. Over much of its area it lies on limestone, which is supportive of aquatic life and of big skeletons for big fish. It is fed by several good spawning rivers and streams, with identifiable genetic strains coming from different rivers..

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Fly Tying Guide

Galway Fly Tying Guild

The Galway Fly Tying Guild has been meeting and tying flies in Galway since the 1970s. It consists of a group of people who meet once a week during the closed trout season to tie flies. The meetings are in the excellent facility of the Galway Bridge Centre where the card players’ tables and good lighting suit our purposes very well.There are a number of experienced regulars who tie and exchange patterns. New members are always welcome and we will help any beginner with advice on materials and with demonstrations of techniques.

A wide range of flies are tied, matching the fishing interests of the members. Flies for Lough Corrib are possibly the most popular, but a visitor will find members tying salmon flies, little dry flies for rivers, boobies for rainbows and who knows what else.

Visitors from abroad are particularly welcome. We are always interested to see what works in other conditions and climates and we hope that we may have been responsible for the introduction of one or two new flies to waters far away

The charge is €20 per head for the season to cover rent and minor expenses. Students pay €10, under-18s go free.

The meetings are at the Bridge Club, St Mary’s Road, Galway, on Fridays from 1 October to 15 February, from 8.00 to 10.00 p.m. Contact Robbie Pitman 0863617361 or Denis Healy 0857540180.


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